IShelp — Simmons Foods
Introducing the new IS Help Desk Icon

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM to 5 PM CST


Your Ticket. Our Expertise.

Create a ticket and instantly let us know you need assistance.
When your ticket is submitted, we'll prioritize it and work diligently to
resolve the issue. We're always here to help.

  • Simplified support - call or submit a ticket online.

  • Transparent, measurable progress on every ticket.

  • Help yourself to a growing knowledge base

The data collected from the tickets is used to identify reoccurring issues. 


  1. Through the IS Help Desk Portal

  2. By Phone
    Please call (479) 215-2222

Don't Forget!

Anyone needing to enter a support request may use the Information Services Help Desk Portal or call us directly to enter a support request via phone (open 7:30 AM to 5 PM CST Monday-Friday). Support requests are no longer accepted via email.

Any tickets submitted after 5 PM or over the weekend will be attended to the following business day. For critical issues, please call your local TSS directly if you require assistance over the weekend of after 5 PM during weekdays.


Go straight to IS Help. 

For existing tickets, click here to see the status update.

Using the IS Service Desk