Why These Industries — Simmons Foods

Simmons Prepared Foods

Since the beginning, Simmons has been committed to making chicken better, easier and safer for customers.

We love preparing the delicious, premium cuts of chicken you might see at local grocery stores and restaurants. But what happens to the rest? 

Simmons Animal Nutrition

Some chicken parts are shipped to foreign markets, where they’re enjoyed as a part of local cuisine. Other parts you may not see on your local grocery store shelf are packed with valuable nutrition. After safe, healthy processing, these ingredients can be used as quality nutrition in livestock feed, pet food and aquaculture.

We take our responsibility very seriously to make the most of each chicken, so we don’t waste any part. We call it our "Whole Bird Philosophy".

Simmons Animal Nutrition has expanded well beyond these roots, but continues to be a key part of our commitment to sustainability.

Simmons Pet Food

Simmons Pet Food was born out of a desire to diversify our business and put our experience producing high quality food to use in another industry. Today, Simmons Pet Food sources from hundreds of ingredient suppliers serving top brands with thousands of unique products in the marketplace.

Prepared Foods

Premium chicken for restaurants and retail around the world

Animal Nutrition

Valuable nutrition for animal feed, pet food and aquaculture

Pet Food

Dry, wet pet food and treats for the best brands in pet food